Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

19 May 2006

We don't need oxygen...

Not only are JJ72 wrong about not needing oxygen (QED by D. Blaine), a Japanese Spar-a-like chain of shops suggests that a measly 21% isn't enough by planning to sell compressed 95% oxygen in cans. One can will apparently last about 70 seconds (or 35 x 2s bursts as they are marketing it).

Hmm. I think I'll stick with the free stuff for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For now maybe. But once oxygen factories take off big-style, and pollute the atmosphere sufficiently in the production of their bottled breathable, you'll have little choice but to buy their product yourself. Something to do with Jones' and a vacuum-cleaner comes to mind...