Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

28 July 2006

This ain't no holiday...But it always turns out this way.

Well Mr Black it has indeed been my holiday, the holiday that has been the first 23 years of my life; sadly now it is coming to a fitful close, with the impending beginning of my working life. Being a student has never seemed like so little work. After over 18 years of learning (allegedly) I now have to put some of it into practice, with the side effect of earning some money.

Graduation gone, summer weddings passed, trip abroad over, it's enough to make anyone feel down. The rusty wheel of life trundles ever onward downward down the mist enveloped bumpy road of life. I hope there's a cold snap next week as being baked alive in some old semi-converted wartime pre-fab (think the old Wellington for you Belfasters) does not fill me with the joys of summer. Hmm. It's not all bad though - I will have a role, a function, a reason to be hanging around - the least important person but yet have some responsibility [good/bad?]. Oh, if only they didn't keep changing things, but everything comes together for good.

Trying to put together a Mix CD to remind me of this period in time, but still trying to finalise the tracklist.

Later tater.

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