Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

18 April 2005

You say the right thing when electioneering

Earlier this evening, while Helen and I were chatting about the questionable benefits of the continuing Space Programme, I began to question the value of democracy.
And lo I chanced upon an interesting page about the alternatives from the remarkable BBC:
Do we really need an election?

You can't say fairer than that, after the last derogatory post.

Most of them are scary. I don't know why I trust politicians more than random punters, because the evidence is that they'd auction their own children to the lowest bidder to gain power, but it'd probably all turn out like Northern Ireland where they'd pay themselves to do nothing. I quite enjoy the election run-up despite the lack of excitement for the last 3 goes; for the first time in the 4 or so years that I can vote I'm not really fussed. Perhaps it's because I'm in Scotland and although my vote actually might affect my life in some way (questionable) I don't have the same, 'I'd better vote for this person as a protest vote against the bigotry of the other candidates' feeling.
Politics, eh, who would have 'em?

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