Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

24 May 2005

Wishaw'll of you were here

Hello everybody.
I'm on an 'out block' at the minute down in the lovely Lanarkshire town of Wishaw attempting to learn some stuff before my finals in 6 weeks. I only have intermittent access to the innernet so forgive my infrequent posting. Secondly I haven't really been up to much. Watch Star Wars Ep III last Thursday but I don't have the time or energy to talk about its moments of comic brilliance today (Hayden Christensen somewhat ruining the evil side of Darth Vader).
Was also playing a bit of frisbee at the weekend down in Bakewell at outdoor 'Not the Nationals', last Uni tournament of the year.
Tea beckons.
Rock on.

1 comment:

colleen said...

I know...when they glued the mask onto his face, i nearly stood up in the middle of the theatre, flung out my arms and wailed "Nnnnoooooooooooooo!"

ha ha!
