Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

27 November 2004

"They're really Satan's little run-around"

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | 4x4s 'should carry health warning'
Interesting view point there. I always thought the Devil would drive something a bit more flashy, say a Lamborgini Diablo-the designers must have had a similar point of view.


myleswerntz said...

nah, the devil would drive something more non-descript, like a Kangoo or, in the States, a Toyota Camry...wait, that's what i drive...

myleswerntz said...

nah, the devil would drive something more non-descript, like a Kangoo or, in the States, a Toyota Camry...wait, that's what i drive...the devil is never that obvious.