Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

09 June 2005

I can walk into the sea and choke away the memories

So Helen's off to Italy to melt some glaciers and my flatmates are doing some well-deserved revelling in their first class degrees, leaving me to be bored working in the flat. Fair enough so, you might say, they've earned their holiday and I'm not going to disagree.

It's urology this week; not the most thrilling of topics, but not too boring either; very quiet in terms of hospital time, which is good given the proximity to the exams. Can't say I've been overly motivated yet, but I really will have to be from here on in. Lots of peripheral patient presenation (not quite an alliteration there) work to do before I can get stuck into the proverbial meat and potatoes of actually learning something. Ordered some CDs today from local Belfast bands Panda Kopanda and the previously mentioned Fast Emperors. Should be good. Anyhoo, that was the excitement of my day other than a nice polio immunisation, made my arm rather itchy for a while.
Right back to it. Thank you for granting me this time out. Chomp.

Song of the day - Walk into the sea - Low. From my favourite album of the year so far (or was it last year? ah well), 'The Great Destroyer'.

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