Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

20 June 2005

I cried myself to sleep last night


After paying the rather exorbitant customs charge of 7 bucks on my import, I collected the latest porpoise from Sufjan Stevens x4 from the post office. Sounds great thus far....not hugely different in style from Michigan, but that's not a bad thing. Making me happy when all else is contriving to bog me down....need to make a mix tape.

This however, was not the best parcel I recieved in the last 7 days. As I previously mentioned I ordered a couple of CDs from some Belfast band, both arriving on a Wednesday of last week (perhaps the first Wednesday, or was it the second?). A rather sedate small envelope arrived with my Fast Emperors purchase, which I duly opened and out came a rather smart looking single sized CD. So far so good. As I opened the rather larger and puffier package (with extra H in my surname for comedy value) from those boyos at Panda Kopanda, out spilled not only a nicely packaged cardboard EP style CD but a hand written named note of thanks (extra kudos for asking for comments), several small flyers for the band, a copy of last months 'Vacuum' fanzine, a packet of jelly worms and some other sweets. The music wasn't bad either. I respect that kind of effort and they have found a special place in the musical valves of my heart. Who says gimmicks are a bad thing? More freebies I say.

Countdown to les examens: T-18 days. It'll be a'right.

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