Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

23 June 2006

The same place...some time later

Bon soir mes amis.

I passed my exams and am currently a 'graduand', a strange state of limbo between finding out that I've passed my exams and getting bopped on the head by the bonnet of Dundee during graduation on the 11th of July.
Helen graduated yesterday with a 1st in her degree, which is impressive, cue champagne and tasty meals.
We had a short holiday in Greece last week, on the Ionian island of Zakynthos...pictures to follow, perhaps....
We also moved residence to a nice shiny new flat, which has been good to us thus far.
On Wednesday we were at the wedding of our friend Claire (née Woolsey) Trumper, which was great - the first wedding I had been to since my own - it seemed much more relaxing.

Life still seems inordinately busy but perhaps it will slow down a bit for a while now that some of the above have been done [but maybe that's just wishful thinking].

Added a couple of new links to friends' blogs - the blogosphere is seemingly alive and well, but I'm left feeling less and less unique by the day.



Anonymous said...

Well done you guys -- what a clever lot you all are -- wonder where you got it from!
Helen brilliant stuff , a really nice cherry on the cake.

Am just putting off looking at Petie's mountain pics (in case they're scary) by reading all the other blogs!
very best wishes --

Peter's mum ( source of some of his genetic material -- credit where credit is due and all that!)

Bokey said...

Dave! I have posted photaes on ma Blog fae Clare & Johns wedding. You and the wife were looking good!

Anonymous said...


It has been a long time since we have been in-communicado, as it were. Jolly good about the old graduations! Well done to both you and Helen. Is the new Casa Dave et Helen in Dundee? I have moved back to Carnoustie for the next year, so maybe I shall come up and visit your good selves. It is to my regret that contact ceased of late. Hope all continues well.