Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

04 July 2005

Time is but a memory

Just a quick message
Shoulder deep in 'revision' at the moment; thankfully handed in all the peripheral paperwork that is required these days for a medical degree and have oooh...about 4 whole days to revise for the actual exam. For the first exam since I came to medical school I feel like I am actually revising rather than learning stuff for the first time, which is good, but although I know a lot more I imagine that everyone else knows a lot lot more. Ah well, just have to try my best as me 'ol mum always says. Scarily only 8 weeks on Thursday till I get married too and in the intervening time I head off to India, for which I am not at all mentally prepared. The massive mental block of 'the exams' has cast a dark shadow over any events following it. I don't feel too stressed but my body is attempting to tell me otherwise with my previously seen lack of hunger in the morning, fatigue and other less than desirable effects.


  • Must write about the time "everyone" came to Dundee to visit as it was very momentous, but too tired right now

  • New link to Pete's blog about his elective to Boliva, sure to be interesting if he can get to a compy(-386) out there

  • I may be changing the URL of this blog at the end of the week as I am moving flat and this internet account will be deactivated at some point during July, but will redirect it.

Hope you are all well.


colleen said...

Just got the new Sufjan record...good good good. I love it! And i haven't even finished listening to it! Hope things are going well...good luck on your exam...

Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
this is Peter Hart's mum --found you through his blog as you may have guessed--- just wishing you safe travels and every blessing as you head off to exciting India. can't BELIEVE you're leaving Helen to sort out the whole wedding biz. --actually can believe it! give her my love

best to you both
