Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

28 September 2004

The car is on fire and there's no driver at the wheel

I am still attempting to get over my cold...every time I think it has gone it comes back in a different form, first it was the sore throat, then then the cough and now a stuffy nose. Not that it's keeping me from anything, but just a general lethargy. Some day I will 'score' some time to do something a little more creative. Haven't quite had the 'what am I doing here?' moment that all 4th years go through just yet but I can feel it niggling away just under the surface.

I open up my wallet and it's full of blood. Post-apocalypticism was once again brought to mind while I was watching Shaun of the Dead last weekend; mostly indirectly as said film was very amusing and filled me with a somewhat sadistic desire to wap Zombies with cricket bats. Rather it reminded me of 28 Days, another Zombie film (somewhat alluded to as "bollocks" by the end of SOTD); it isn't a particularly original or interesting film save for the first scenes where this bloke wakes up from a coma to a completely uninhabited London. I don't know why the thought of being that person frightens me, but it does. Perhaps it's the completely unlimited possibilities for why everyone has buggered off (maybe they don't like me or I smell too much etc.) or just having to cope on my complete lonesome. Would I believe that this was as it had been "predicted" Biblically?

Ahem. It's not like I'm pre-occupied with these thoughts but it's interesting to ponder them even for several seconds.

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