Occasionally frequent postings on music, films, news; Warning: includes drivel.

16 December 2004

Best foot forward

2 posts? (Doing work makes you do crazy things)
See the second review on this site for an example of bad film criticism
Reviews of Garden State

Now, I may be slightly more liberal than some Christians when it comes to movies - perhaps it is just because I am used to hearing "atrocious language" (the F-word used an incredible 30 times! Wow! Close your ears! He obviously hasn't seen Magnolia (yes, I know there are films with worse language, but this was the most recent example in my mind)) or maybe it doesn't register with me. I understand the whole garbage in, garbage out theory and maybe for particularly susceptible people this is a problem; Anyway, I don't feel giving a film a bad review solely on the basis of 30 words out of a total of thousands is justified - the short plot run down (biased by little digs), followed by some praise for Natalie Portman ("wonderfully played") then a comparison with Good Will Hunting...from what I've seen of trailer for Garden State it looks nothing like GWH (hopefully not as I thought it was pretentious crap, but I've only seen it once on TV)...concluding with a telling paragraph about waiting for it to turn up on TV "when hopefully the objectionable material will be removed".
In summary, points made about quality of film, 2 - Natalie Portman good, film good enough to watch; points made about side issues, lots. Perhaps the writer of the film put the scenes or the language in for a reason? Outright dismissal is religious nonsense. Write about the film dude.
Anyone seen it and wish to enlighten me? I'm quite keen, Scrubs is fairly amusing and a couple of the bits in the trailer made me chuckle.

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